The Pi 2 takes a micro SD so I grabbed a spare one, I also noticed RaspBmc is posted end of life, in favour of OSMC (Open Source Media Center)
I went over to their download section and installed the OSMC installer in linux, this seems a great idea as you have a dedicated installer so it's handy when you need to wipe or reprogram the unit.
I followed the Ubuntu/Xubuntu 12.04 info as my server runs 12.04 LTS.
As a tip, add the GPG key first, this saves you getting errors because the public key isn't qualified i.e execute these two lines first.
wget sudo apt-key add - < Release.key
Once that's done you just need to grab the rest of the code to install the OSMC installer (check the web site though as through time the link below will change).sudo sh -c "echo 'deb /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-installer.list" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install osmc-installer
At this point you launch the installer, it's very straight forwards, it is all graphical and you just need to select your SD card, confirm you want to install, it wiped the card and put the files on in just a couple of minutes.
On powering up the Pi 2 it only takes a couple of minutes to completely install OSMC and Kodi, I'll have a play now and see what's what.
So far though I would say to try out OSMC and the new Pi 2 looks very nippy, boot time is really quick and it zips through menus.