Sunday, 21 June 2009

Feacebook - Nah I'd rather put my face in a bucket of acid

With Yahoo 360 closing I sought long and hard where to start a new blog - despite my blog containing no information of value other than the odd Ubuntu tip (Install "Storage Device Manager" for easy mounting of pen drives, usb devices etc that might be in strange format patterns i.e Amiga etc, Use "ISO Master" to create and edit ISO image files) I rejected the urge to step aboard Feacebook or Twatter.

(What's quite funny is I actually meant to type the proper names but both got mis-spelt when I typing them, that's a sign from somewhere - most likely "you have your hands on the keyboard wrong", but quite an amusing finger slip).

Now before the 15,000 posts come back saying how brilliant they are and everyone has 5 million friends, OK then how many do you REALLY know ?
You might have Ying Li in China as a friend but have you met him ? do you actually know him ?
The answer is generally now.

With the new Xbox 360 update allowing you onto these sites I almost contemplated removing the Xbox from the house via a large catapult. I can't think of anything less inspiring than during a COD on line match (and no I don't speak to the other players unless I know them) that someone sends me a vampie or poke or whatever they send.

Imagine your just stalking the enemey and up pops a live message box "Boris has updated his status 'Gone for a shit'" - great stuff.

As I commented the other day I wonder how many people are on these sites with "friends" that are technically enemies due to political, religeous or ethical reasons.
Now that would be a good update "Boris has updated his status 'We are at war" "

So with the fact that I have no interest in being "friends" of 99.999999999% of the human race I don't know and that no one cares when I take a shit or blow my nose I'm happy to sit in a quiet corner of cyber space and vent my ramblings on the world through blogger.

Then again Google wave will be another trial - I might set my mobile up so it can send messages every 15 seconds - "I've just drank a cup of tea", "I've just fed the chickens", "I've just ate the chickens", "I've just closed a door" - ahh cyber junk, you can't beat it.

Status update - "I've just written something"

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