Sunday, 18 October 2009

Even more Flashpoint fun and games

Yesterday I amused myself reading some of the feedback that people have posted about their Flashpoint experiences.

One chap politely pointed out "Where are the fucking vehicles?" - and went on to say that despite 70 apparently being available in the game he got in no more than 2 during the whole game.

We decided to press on with Flashpoint but I remembered not to walk up any stairs in case I died suddenly.

The Airport mission that caused us so much grief was concluded, we found the best solution was to hide in the control tower and simply wait until the level ended.

Going from there my brother had one of the AI team walk right in front of him as he tried to launch a Javelin missile, not once but every time he tried.
Adding to this was a mission where we had to tail some chap called Hong then take him out, that was actually quite an enjoyable mission, you had to remain undetected so it was night vision and silenced guns when you needed them.

A Quick air strike took car of Leader Hong, Hang or whatever his name was, which left us to extract to the beach.
So you would ask yourself should I take this nice fully operational truck ? So we did, a quick drive down the nearest slope (no problems), we then noticed a road block on our left, so a slight turn to the right and ... Ahh Fuck - the truck completely turns upside down !

Much complaining and arguing later this time its my Brothers turn to drive the truck, we get to within 1 Km of the beach and then he hits a blade of grass or some other ultra hardened object, true to form the truck bounces like a fat chicks boobs in a cheap British porno and we're all thrown out the truck.

The good news is that none of my review is even considered close to the harsh comments left by others - One chap said he'll send his CV in for chief programmer, the reason being he couldn't do a worse job!!

How copy - Solid Copy, Codemasters are just as crap as ever!

Just in case they disagree I could fire up this junk on my Xbox and simply play the game to prove my point.

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