Got my hands on MW2 for the Xbox 360 but the question in everyones mind including my own was "is it better than Operation Flashpoint Crap Rising" ?
The shameful, bug ridden filth written by Code Masters led me to wonder if this was going to go down that path or hopefully continue the COD genre further.
I played COD World at War but didn't enjoy it as much as COD 4, likewise I know people who play COD 4 and don't enjoy it as much as World at War so it was a delicate time when unwrapping this treat.
First impression was someone had stolen my manual from the box but I found it hidden behind a 48hr gold subscription, the manual is literally three or four pages, it just tells you the controls and game modes and that's it.
In reality none of this matters as I never read the manuals anyway, I once finished a game only to find there was a move I could have used but had no idea of that it existed.
Firing up the game Soap makes an appearance, your given a quick run through aiming (only takes 2 mins) then it's straight into the assault course to check you know how to use weapons.
Anyone who played COD 4 will remember the amazing kill house that starts you off, times can be posted on the web showing your skill and prowess.
This is no different although it's mainly outside, I found I could do it a lot quicker armed with 2 pistols rather than sub machine guns.
Moving into the game takes you into dribble land, you find strange wet patches on your shirt, table and joypad then realize you have forgotten how to control your basic body functions due to the stunning game.
Unlike the Code Crappers Flashpoint where your forced to have one terrible weapon through the entire game on Co-Op or forced to have less than useful weapons in single player COD either gives you the right tool for the job or a selection of mouth watering weapons.
The Snow level for example gives you a silenced sniper rifle complete with heartbeat sensor - your already drooling over the special effects, now you get a weapon that actually gives you a chance to complete the level. You and your AI partner smoke a couple of bad guys each on the way around the outside of the camp then he goes to high ground armed with a thermal scope while you move into the compound itself.
Stunning does not do it justice, the quality of the levels, their size and the speed the whole game runs at are nothing short of wizardry.
I sense the development team have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for the most efficient and mind blowing game code possible, absolutely everything is moving or doing something, the wind changes and blows flurries of snow, you see peoples breath, tents etc move, fans on desks, air vents etc etc
There was no need for this level of detail but it shows exactly what the Xbox can do when it's in the hands of some people who know how to use it.
Co-Op is in the form of Special Op missions, instead of trudging for 30 mins over a largely barren map (take note Flashpoint) then having an all out war (or in the case of Flashpoint, getting shot because you can't see the enemy), COD MW2 takes you straight into selected battles from the single player missions.
This is such a simple and stunning idea, you need to complete the game on single player to see the whole game but can do the battles together.
To say these are intense is an understatement, one has you driving a skidoo at breakneck speeds to your destination whilst firing a machine pistol at anything in front.
Others have you hunting snipers, clearing villages, fighting heavily defended positions etc etc.
On line death match is mind blowing, you can equip more variety of weapons than ever before, have 2 attachments, customize your power up or rewards, the list is endless.
I found it was so fast it took a few minutes to adjust to the new speed of things but the fluid and dynamics programmed in are so good you are immersed in it in no time at all.
Multiplayer maps are MASSIVE often you can wander around an area without seeing anyone, this allows teams to form tactics to use these areas to flank you or try a different attack rather than the map having only one or two choke points.
You get bonus points now for doing almost anything, you might shoot someone and get a bonus for the kill itself plus one for stopping someone on a killing spree and perhaps even another for payback if they killed you earlier.
This allows the less experienced to gain points and progress through the ranks even if their kill count is not too high.
I would not classify myself as an outstanding player on COD 4 my brother often gets 25-29 kills on a round, I may get 15 and occassionally 20.
On MW2 I've found different ways to get kills or subtle changes in the equipment to allow it to be more tailored to the way I want to play, this meant in many games I've been top scorer or 2nd highest on far more games.
So to sum it up, was it worth it ?
A stunning game with immense jaw dropping quality, fluid and natural dynamics, things happen how you would expect them to happen, no messing about, no complaining about terrible guns etc. The size and quality of the levels is beyond anything I have seen, turn your volume up and you can feel the bullets and shells whizzing by, call in airstrikes and the house shakes.
Death match and on line play is staggering, from Day 1 the servers appear to be capable of taking the load and I can't wait to see if we get map packs etc for Special Ops.
If you don't own it then go and buy it, if you own it then you chose wisely.
It's the sort of game where you would score 100/100 because you simply cannot fault it, I would score 98/100 to allow them to publish any updates or map packs with the remaining 2 points, as it stands possibly the best game of it's kind ever written and a demonstration in how this should be done to anyone thinking of doing similar.
P.S I would love to get in one of those tanks on Multi player death match Pleeeeaaasssseee (then you will get 100/100).
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