Yup I'm Wrong.
I was quite amazed that a follower of the Mr Camping (AKA Mr. Wrong) said he was confused and puzzled why the world didn't end as predicted on 21st May.
Along with his confusion was perhaps the realization that he had spent £140,000 dollars on adverts and given away all his worldly goods.
According to Mr. Wrong (who wrongly predicted the end of the world before) he has now detracted the statement and said that the world won't suffer 5 months of torment as these are the actions of a compassionate God (however the world will still end on Oct 21st).
Perhaps the followers need to realize this chap is simply wrong, he has made a wild and unfounded prediction based on nothing more than his own interpretation of some numbers and perhaps they need to understand it is their own vain and pointless lives that account for them needing to cling onto such an absurd notion that the world would end with earthquakes and 5 months of hell on Earth.
I also notice in his news articles the absence of his other statement, apparently 21st May was supposed to see Jesus appear on Earth - when will people realize this prediction is no more valid than if I had sat here and simply said that Aliens will land and communicate with us, this would put an end to almost all religious beliefs anyway as they regard us as the only life form and it is just as absurd to make such a prediciton.
Take the Mayan calender which is due to run out in 2012, this does not mean the end of the World, the Mayans simply calculated the long run calendar to a logical point i.e 2012 and no more, nothing more and nothing less.
The next date to watch for will be Oct 21st, I'm sure it will be as exciting as every other day.
No doubt the vain and mindless individuals who cling to such stupid beliefs will say the Iceland Volcano is a "sign" and so on, if you look hard enough everything is a sign and you can find pattern in anything.
I seem to recall one person found a deep and meaningful message hidden in a book which predicted the coming of the devil and the end of the world and it was taken from a childrens book, people have even found hidden and secret codes on cereal packets.
However, when you have such gullible and easily influenced people then that's the price they pay for clinging to worthless and foundless beliefs.
By the way, I predict (by reading secret codes from a hidden source) Aliens will land on Earth at the Pyramids on September 9th and declare their intentions peaceful.
Book it in your calender, I've checked my figures and I'm certain it's right.
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