Just passed 10,000 miles in my 116ed, I accidentally reset the Mpg otherwise (doh !) would pop a pic on but it had averaged just under 49 mpg average over this distance.This is 50% more than I got with my Avensis and not far off the same increase against the Passatt,
Had an issue with the steering failing it's power on test every now and then but BMW replaced all the steering and during the repair lent me an awsome 330d with M sport pack.
I've already asked for one for my 50th Birthday, a truely straggering machine, even that was giving me 38 Mpg which was amazing considerring it's power and it was an automatic.I found the auto almost perfect to drive, smooth and easy yet putting power on the rear wheels with immense control.
So, at the moment I've hit 10k miles, the cars running great and I visit the fuel pump less than I've ever done in any car.
I was on the Cat and Fiddle section of the A537 having gone over the Pennines as the clock ticked over, a perfect place for this, the difference in driving these roads in a BMW versus front wheel drive is never clearer than on these roads, the car sweeps and turns so perfectly it's something you have to do to appreciate.
As I purred around the bends it was almost meant to be that I crossed this landmark and I was getting 48 Mpg + on these challenging road.
At the moment I might need a little oil but if I do then that's going to be about 0.25 Litre in the 10k !
Impressed with the car since the day I droave it first, impressed with BMW in repairing the steering so quickly and it's a great car backed with great customer service.
The journey continues....
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