Saturday, 20 September 2014

Windows 7 - Purge it with Fire

I've got more laptops to look at and fix from "Friends" than I have actual friends so I'm not sure what's gone on here.

One is more ridden with viruses and other filth that I think the only sure way to sort it out is to put in a furnace and let the flames sterilize it.

Turn it on and it's like watching a cartoon as multiple programs start (or try to start) and browser windows pop up like flags in the wind, then I found it had Omiga Plus loaded which is supposed to be for nasty than anything you've seen.

Looks like she's installed everything offered to her, I'll just have this program it MUST be good, it's free.

The browser redirects while your typing or even without touching it.
I went to put the Microsoft security essentials on, it would have been easier pulling a tooth out an angry bear.

I find it amazing that considering you pay for Windows they can't control it, the external viruses and malware are more extensive than ever, even while I was on the Microsoft site the browser popped up a window offering what looks like Microsoft engineers to check and fix my computer, clearly more malware.

Shocking is hardly the word to describe it - I'll have a go at cleaning it but it looks the only way to do this is the old fashioned way - wipe it and reload it.

Even now, while Security essentials is scanning it's popped up a window to tell me something else won't run.

Ah well, another day lost sorting these filth ridden machines out, I have none of this with Ubuntu, in fact I took my laptop to a site I knew infected my friends Windows machine, quite amusing as it asked for permission to launch an EXE file - which I gave, it then didn't quite know what to do so asked again, and again I gave permission and after a few seconds it opened about 50 windows in the browser then gave up.

In windows there's no indicator anything is happening, you go the site and you're infected, it's quick and silent.

Time to see what happens when Microsoft Security Essentials has finished .....

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