Tech supports words of the day ....
We've been working on a new word of the day, so far this week we have.
Feckless - Basically someone or something that's useless or a waste of time and space i.e "He's a Feckless idiot" or "That's Feckless".
Chervil - Used in conjunction with additional verbs and nouns such as "He's Chervilized that" - Now a Chervil is a herb and in this context if you chervil something you add or change something, you might be the Chervilator who does the Chervilizing or suffer Chervilisation, nicely you can use this with Feckless i.e "He's a Feckless Chervilator"
Plausel - This is the unmeasurable but incredibly painful period of time you have to wait for something you expect to happen such as turning the power on to a server and the horrible pause before it actually bursts into life. Other Plausels are seen when you insert a hot plug hard drive, the drive then Plausels causing the customer to remark the part you just fitted was "Feckless" then just as you begin to believe him the plausel completes and the bloody thing works.
Thrattle - This relates to any part of machinery or computer equipment that makes a noise without you actually knowing what's causing it - an example will be the thrattle of a hard drive as you can hear it accessing, strip one down and there's no clue what actually makes that noise. Other Thrattles are vibrations you assume come from the case but you remove every panel and tape everything up to find the noise continues - sometimes the Thrattle is part of a Plausel and you often think the result of someone Cherviling.
Nadget - A small amount, you might need to push a hot plug hard drive a nadget to get it to latch in so the plausel can start.
Chinkle - The noise a computer part makes when you engage or release the locking latch, a hot plug hard drive for example makes a chinkle as you engage the securing latch after you have just pushed it a nadget to seat it correctly.
Sometimes the Chinkle is the result of some previous Chervil activity but technically thats a Thrattle not a chinkle.
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