Friday, 28 August 2009

Todays words

Throom - This is the dull but obvious noise of a non hot plug device destroying itself a short plausel after you have removed it from the server without removing the power correctly.
The drive will emit a Throom whilst in your hands causing you to notice the entire server crashing moments after - more than likely you will emit a "Feckless" comment during the Plausel.

Chancery - This is the sudden loss of all noise and activity an engineer experiences when he's just removed the main power feed to a server room only to find nothing was attached to the UPS systems.
It bears similar relations to the religeous use of a Chancery, in this case the stone cold eerie silence coupled with the faint sound of someone praying to God.

Knappling - the sound one makes as he uses a PDA pen on a pda screen, its not quite a knocking sound nor is it a tapping sound, it is however one of the most annoying sounds made on the planet and often leads to somone being told they are feckless. Knappling is regularly used with Shringles.

Shringles - the almost perceptible but not quite recognisable ring tones and key tones a mobile phone or PDA makes, the person hearing the Shringles can almost recognise the noises or tunes but not quite - this makes for an annoying rendition of the Shringles as they hum them throughout the day, this is due to Shringles being designed to be unforgettable to the human brain whilst at the same time complex enough that the human brain cannot rebuild the entire data pattern. You will notice once an attack of the Shringles starts each person can hum a different part but no one can hum the entire sequence or recreate it no matter how many people are involved.

Fertching - This is the task of considerable searching without actually finding the answer - "I'll just Fertch that for you ...". Sometimes Fertching may be used whilst you know there is no answer anyway just to pass the time.

Windless - This is the result of installing a mandatory Microsoft update despite the fact you don't want it. The machine is then rendered inoperable by the Operating system crashing and is therefore "Windless". A typical Windless update would overwrite the official graphics driver with Microsofts own for example thus installing Windless operation.

Gurdling - The pointless exercise of moving people or equipment around without actually improving the situation. You might for example Gurdle the office and move everyone's desks around or Gurdle a server, moving all the drives around but finding after all that work nothing's better than it was before, in fact it's more than likely made things worse - use with Feckless as well i.e "He's a Feckless Gurdler" or "That Gurdling was a Feckless time" or "Please send Feckless engineer to site to Gurdle the server cabinet".
Gurdling often initiates Plausels and Thattles and in worse cases leads to Chancery.

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