Friday, 19 February 2010

Daft people shall reign

Funny how driving comes up so much as a topic of general ranting.

We were out locally and the main road our road joins onto is pretty busy including the fact it's a bus route so when people are parked its a bit of a zig zag drive to get down.
It's not made any easier by people who drive like loonies down it at break neck speeds.

Anyway, one end of this road has an almost 90 degree bend with no visibility from either direction, now you have to guess where one daft idiot of a woman decided to stop her lime green open top Nissan Micra ? you guessed it, right on the apex of the bend, to get past I had to go on the opposite side of the road but without knowing if anything was coming.

Fortunately nothing was but while I gave her the evil eye and a few choice words she didn't seem bothered.
A couple of seconds later a white van came past me and I could see in my mirror he had to stop quickly as it was obvious someone else was doing the same, with any luck the woman in the Micra is now off many peoples Xmas card lists.

On it's own that was amazing enough to see but later we came out of our road (which is at the other end of this main road and this has another bend of almost 90 degrees), now we've had people park opposite our road which although it's a traffic offence has so far not caused an accident but even I was amazed to see a woman in a Peugot 206 parked on the apex of this bend, passenger window down and having a chat with a woman who was pushing her push chair.

We squeezed past and just as before watched a van slam his brakes on as he got to the corner then realized he was 0.9 seconds from impact.

They say things come in threes, well we were wondering where the third one was but didn't have to wait too long as there was a three car pile up which closed a major A road only a stones throw from our house, our thoughts were another stupid woman must have parked up to sort her hair out or adjust her glasses thus causing the pile up - having watched the antics earlier I feel this is the most logical and scientific explanation.

Hopefully they didn't go home and use any dangerous appliances ?

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