Sunday, 14 February 2010

It's a funny old world

Well lots has gone on in the last few weeks, the local council decided that despite more snow it would simply be easier to not bother putting any grit on the roads and let people take care of themselves in hedges and ditches.

Anyway we've then had the Chip and Pin credit card verification cracked (no surprise really, if people can crack Xbox and Play station protection then this must be a doddle), we've had the mad vicar Angus MacLeay preach that women should be silent in church (if questions can be answered by their husbands) and that they should submit to their partners in "everything".
Fortunately he's not within striking distance of my wife otherwise his next sermon would be delivered through a Stephen Hawkins style wheelchair computer with someone providing sign language subtitles for the deaf (and of course submissive women).

Randomly changing subject back to UK roads I noticed in the last month the massive number of people with broken headlights, I counted 1 in 20 the other night (yes it was a dull trip home), one chap had no side lights, no headlights and one fog light ..... mmmmm a song comes to mind ... "I can see clearly now ... ".
Even better through was the chap behind me yesterday in a Fiat Punto that was only 30 minutes away from the scrap heap, smashed head lights on both sides (nice touch) and only the passenger windscreen wiper working, it was amusing seeing him in the rain with only his empty passenger seat getting a good view.

That's the thing with the UK, the Police only seem to bother when they need to get their quota up and if anything you see more people than ever driving while on mobile phones or with cars that are on deaths door with defects and parts falling off.

I blame it clearly on the fact the police don't have guns, I'm sure life would be a lot simpler if they could shoot offenders then ask questions later.
Although this might be an issue for passing motorists etc in reality it would help in reducing over crowding in prisons.

On the positive side though, Nasa have just added a large window to the space station so as long as it doesn't blow out and suck the astronauts out then that will be fine and the UK is now home to the largest spider crab it's ever seen (in Birmingham Sea life).

It's not all doom and gloom so as long as we can keep sliding down the roads (in cars with clapped out brakes), drive with no lights, steering or windscreen wipers make sure you remember we've got a lovely big spider crab.

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